"Sowing seeds of unity - Reaping a rich harvest of souls."

UM Network On-Line server !
C.M.D.F is in the process of installing a 4-Terabyte network drive & broadband data circuit to power the LIVE online network. When completed, the United Ministries Network will be capable of supporting over 3000 users.
F A Q's
1.) How do we join the UM Network?
Using the UM Network requires a computer with dial-up access (modem), MS Office '97/'98 or 2000 and installation of the UM Network database.
2.)What does it cost?
UM Network software is FREE to churches, ministries, public assistance organizations & members of the corrections community. Network access & maintenance is made possible by monthly donations from Network users.
3.)What services and resources are available?
The UM Network provides access to comprehensive directories for locating resources, supplies, services, facilities, etc.
Future plans include the addition of: Secure accounting functions & record keeping Tax information, forms, & filing assistance. Website hosting & design.
UM Network Software:
Access to the UM Network server requires installation of the United Ministries database software on your computer(s). The FREE program is currently available on 3 1/2 inch floppy disk in two formats: MS Office '97/'98 and MS Office 2000.
To reserve a copy, send a written request on ministry/organization letterhead to:
United Ministries Network P.O. Box 100125 Denver, CO 80250 Fax #: (303)698-1288