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The Christian Ministry Development Foundation's

"Sowing Seeds of Unity -
Reaping a Rich Harvest of Souls"

The United Ministries Network is a non-profit organization of churches, ministries, and community assistance organizations dedicated to sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Our membership is uniquely representative of the Body of Christ, crossing every denominational, theological, cultural and racial barrier.

For it is written:
"Keep reminding them of these things. Solemnly warn them in the presence of the Lord to avoid petty controversy and quarreling over words; which does no good and is of no value, but only ruins and undermines the faith of the hearers."
(2 Timothy 2:14)

For information on the Christian Ministry Development Foundation's UM Network, browse our website & visit our Doctrine and Mission Statement page.

To join the UM Network contact:

C.M.D.F./United Ministries NETWORK
P.O. Box 100125
Denver, CO 80250
(877)60-UNIFY (Toll Free)
(303)698-1288 (Fax)

Take the opportunity to go through our site and become farmiliar with the programs and resources available.

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February 10, 2000

C.M.D.F. receives
Theology Website Pick Award
For Promoting
"awareness of contemporary social issues and their relation to Biblical principles and teachings."

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United Ministries NETWORK include:

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